Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I never knew that Memorial day could be so hard. I miss my mom.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back in Utah

We made it to Utah safe and sound. Thanks everyone for your help packing and unpacking and everything else. It's nice to be so close to family and to the mountains (which I love), but we do miss our friends in Boise.
Jon is loving his new job. He likes the work they are doing and he thinks the people he works with are hilarious. He doesn't have to travel with this job. If he had stayed with his last job he would be currently out of town for probably the rest of the summer. He also get every other Friday off, which is so much fun for us.
I don't have much to report, but I was just excited that we finally got the internet working. It was greatly missed.
James and Natalie love their uncle Jon. Since we live so close we see them at least once a day.
These are our new neighbors. Literally they are right outside our door.

No reason for this picture, just thought my little boy was adorable