Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some of the reasons I love summer

Playing in the swimming pool
City festivals
Playing (or watching other kids play) at the splash park
Summer projects (more pics of this another time)
Spending the evenings outside with neighbors
Begging for more snap firework things

Delicious fruit
Beautiful trees

Awesome views of the sunrise from our houseAnd the sunsets

I really love summer. I love being warm all the time. I love the long long days of sunlight. I love that everything is alive and beautiful. I really think I could be happy never experiencing another winter.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Week in Pictures

We had a barbeque at J.P. & Jessica's house on the 4th. They recently bought a large swing/playground set that we thought Shawn would love. However, he just played with this kitchen the whole time instead. He loves that thing!
We had a barbeque with Jon's family at our house on the 3rd. It was not very warm outside and it was way too windy. This is our white trash version of barbecuing.
Shawn put this fort together himself (except for getting the blanket to stay on the chairs). He is all about the forts these days.
Baby Evan is 2 months old. He is smiling a lot and loves to "talk" to us. What a cute little boy. We are so happy to have him in our family.
Very happy and content in Grandpa K.'s arms.
We also got together with my good friend Laura from the college days and her cute family. It was a lot of fun catching up and hearing all about their lives in San Francisco. For some reason I totally forgot to even get the camera out while they were here. Or maybe it was a subconscious decision since I am bigger than I was in college and she is skinnier than ever. :)