Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Temple Square

A couple days ago we went to Temple Square to eat lunch with Jon. His office is only a block away from the temple. It was a beautiful day and I was so happy to see the tulips before they start to die. I took a bunch of pictures so I can try to copy the color schemes and such. However, I am sure it would cost a fortune to get even our tiny yard to look like this.
What a cute little boy :)

Tiffany came with us a took some pictures. Shawn would smile so sweet and then right before Tiff would take the picture Shawn would open his mouth. He did this multiple times until we just gave up.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Shawn's Ready

Shawn is really excited about the baby coming and he seems to really understand what is happening. I have taken a couple videos of him talking about the baby coming but I can't get them to post on here for some reason.
Yesterday I found this setup in the loft. Shawn explained to me that it is a bed for the baby. He also found a bottle and filled it with water for when the baby gets thirsty. When I asked him what the step-stool was for, he told me it was so the baby could get out of it's bed. I thought this was so thoughtful and cute of him.
Shawn tells me all the time that he is ready for the baby to come "right now" and he is so excited for him to come live at our house. I hope he has those same feelings when the baby is actually here. :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend

So I realized after I loaded the pictures from my camera that I mainly took videos and not pictures this weekend. The videos of Shawn finding his Easter basket and the video of him on the Eater egg hunt were both really long so I am not going to try to post them on here. These other pictures/videos are from this weekend, but may not be totally related to Easter activities.
Shawn and I decided to go to Thanksgiving Point to meet up with J.P.'s family for the Easter events. However, J.P. called while we were on our way and said it was a nightmare. Too many kids and not worth the money. Shawn was not happy that we didn't go so I had to stop at PartyLand and let him ride this little animal ride and I bought him a ball. He was much happier.
This is the only picture I took of Shawn on the Easter Egg hunt at Grandpa J.'s house.