In May we went to Phoenix to visit Jon's Dad. We had the privilege of Jon's mom coming with us for the trip. She was so helpful with the boys during the vacation that I think she might have to come with us from now on wherever we go. Shawn was the most excited to spend a lot of time swimming on this vacation. I took him to a public pool the day after we got there and it was closed for the season. Closed? In Phoenix? Where it is always hot? We went the next day and the pool we went to was so cold because they didn't warm it. It was only in the low 80's so we didn't stay too long. We stayed in Vegas on the way home and the kids were so excited for the awesome pool. We checked to make sure it was open when we got there. Changed into swimsuits and went down to see that it was closed. Someone had started bleeding in the pool so it was close for the night to be sanitized. What luck! Who knew it would be so hard to go swimming while on a vacation to Phoenix and Vegas.
I took some ideas from Pinterest to help us get through a 12 hour drive each way. Some included $1 items wrapped up like gifts for the kids to open periodically and another was bringing tin foil for the kids to create things with. Here is Shawn's sword and a tree with roots.
Stopped to check out Hoover Dam

When we arrived I took the boys to a local fun center to get their wiggles out. It was really busy and had a lot of....interesting characters. I chose to carry Evan the whole time. At one point I was trying to get something for Shawn and couldn't do it with one hand so I put Evan down. When I went to pick him back up, he was gone. I mean gone! Not anywhere in the large room we were in. I noticed we were close to the front doors and panicked thinking he ran into the parking lot or was grabbed by someone. I was one of those crazy ladies running around screaming, which freaked Shawn out. That little stinker had run as fast as he could the moment I put him down and had gone into a different room where the arcade was. It was one of the scariest moments of my life as a mom. This is a picture of Shawn doing the bumper cars. He was the exact height limit you had to be so he was barely big enough to hold onto the controls. He held his own though. He was with a group of teenage boys and would ram right into them at full blast.

One of the days we visited the Phoenix Zoo.
The highlight of the zoo was the splash pad.
Shawn's best impression of a flamingo
The petting zoo, which Evan loved and Shawn hated
We decided to check out the Mesa Temple and visitor center. One of the missionaries gave Shawn this little picture of Jesus so he held it up in every photo we took.
We stopped in the exciting town of Wikieup on the drive home.
You have to love Priceline. We got to stay in the 5 star resort in Vegas for $90. The grounds were beautiful. The room was huge and the bathroom was amazing.
The only group photo I took the whole trip