Monday, December 10, 2012


I find myself only having time about once a month to do anything with the blog so I guess we are having monthly updates.
At the end of October I took Shawn out of his preschool. We were paying....well.....a lot for this preschool and it was way too easy for Shawn. He came home a few times asking if he could go to a harder school. I don't blame the teachers or anything. I think if this was Shawn's first year of preschool it would have been perfect. However, he is wanting to read and do math and things like that and they were focusing on one letter a week and learning to count. Currently I am teaching Shawn at home and he is loving it. I have bought some workbooks and beginner reader books and different things. He has passed off book 11 of the 20 pack that I bought and he is always asking for more math to do. He doesn't get that from me. Plus we do A LOT of art projects. Man, it is time consuming, but worth it. I feel like he is being challenged. Now, come January, we might be putting him in a preschool because I am not sure I can keep up with it with a new baby.  
This picture was actually taken sometime in October (see the Halloween pajamas). Shawn had woken up and immediately asked for me to print out a math problem worksheet for him. 
Amy and I took our kids to BYU one afternoon. We ventured into the museum of art which had this exhibit with giant helium balloons and fans blowing them all around. The kids thought it was the greatest thing ever. 
For one of our personal "field trips" for school I took the boys to the Clarke Planetarium downtown.
This is Evan playing with the machine that explains how clouds are formed. 
They also really enjoyed the static ball thing
Evan asked me to take picture after picture of him on the "planets"
 This is the GIANT marble maze (do they have a name?) Shawn literally spent 30 minutes here watching it. Evan and I just sat on the floor waiting for him. The only reason we left was the large group of stinky Junior High kids that showed up for a field trip.
The boys begged to go out and play in the first good snow storm. It was still freezing, windy and the snow was blowing sideways. I kept trying to convince them (especially Evan) not to go out because I didn't want to go through the hassle of getting them ready only to have them turn around and come back in after 2 minutes. Surprisingly enough, they stayed out for about 45 minutes.
Until Evan decided he was frozen
A couple days later the snow was all gone, but this snowman in our yard survived for a while.
Shawn's teeth have started to get wiggly. One was especially wiggly a couple weeks ago. That night Shawn asked me to help him floss his teeth and while I was in there I decided to see how that tooth was doing so I gave it a little budge and it fell right out. Shawn was so excited and was even more thrilled when the Tooth Fairy came during the night. He will probably lose another one here before Christmas and then he can sing that song, "All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth." :)