Sunday, April 17, 2011

When Daddy's away....

Jon went with my brother and brother-in-law to Moab this weekend. They did the slickrock trail which is very intense. Jon took his old, old bike and was sure it would be fine. Luckily they decided to do a practice loop the night before the major trail. Jon's chain snapped on one of the first hills he tried to climb. He ended up smashing his knee into his bike and having it bruise and swell. He was forced to rent a different bike. I feel like this is a blessing in disguise because he would never have spent the money to rent one if he didn't need to. Let's just say that the rented bike (worth $4,500) was much better for doing slickrock. Jon said he was very glad he went and enjoyed his little trip, but would NEVER do slickrock again.

Yay! Daddy's away, it's time to play! (actually we hate it when Daddy is out of town, but we are glad he got to have a boys weekend and that everyone came home safe)

Evan was very excited to get started on our fun day First we went to the church history museum, which has a new childrens play area upstairs. The kids enjoyed all the little activities until a primary showed up on a fieldtrip. :)
Boys just trying to be a master gardener like their mamma. Okay, I haven't planted a single thing yet, but I am sure I will have a great garden someday.....once I figure it out.
Also, stay tuned for when my flower beds look like this next year.
We walked around temple square and enjoyed the beautiful day. Well, mostly enjoyed it until Shawn got mad that James sat on the part of the bench he wanted.
Luckily James was willing to move so Shawn could smile again
Loving the warmer weather. As we were walking around temple square Shawn made me take off the long sleeve shirt he had on because he said his arms needed to breath. Apparently his chest did too. :)

Waiting for the fountain to turn on, which never did even though it was on a few minutes before we got to that spot.
Everyone headed back to my house where we had dinner and a sleepover. The children all ended up in the sandbox, which resulted in everyone taking unexpected showers.
This may or may not have been part of our dinner. If you haven't tried this cake from Costco, you should stop reading this immediately and go buy it.
After showers and pajamas, the kids watch an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while us moms chatted.

We had a really fun time with our sisters and cousins. When are the dads going out of town again?! (j/k)


Ashley Smith said...

Yay! Fun weekend! I have to say that the Slickrock trail really sucks. I actually ended up throwing my bike down a steep hill because I was tired of falling down them.

Clayton, Jen, and Millie said...

Loving the pictures! I will have to get down to the Church History Museum with Millie soon. We haven't been since it has been updated.