Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Hot Happenings of Halloween

Shawn was a tiger for Halloween this year. He would not keep the head on even for a second so we could get a picture.
We went trick-or-treating at Jon's office in the afternoon. Shawn quickly caught on that the buckets around the office had candy. He was running from one to the other loading up his bucket. He would just take handfuls at a time. We had to keep up with him to make sure he didn't deminish their supplies.
We went to my cousin Mike's house for a little party/ dinner. It was fun to see other people's costumes.
Then my friend Maria brought her two little girls over and we walked down the street to a couple ward members' homes to trick-or-treat. That is all we were able to do because Shawn was tired and ready to go home.
We put Shawn in bed. Put in a movie and waited for the trick-or-treaters. We had five kids come the whole night. That is the exact same amount we had come last year.
Another Halloween has come and gone and I cannot believe that we are already into November. Crazy!
Shawn sitting in his dad's office holding his bucket of spoils

Saturday morning we decided to quickly rake up the leaves before it rains for the next week. I thought Shawn was standing funny in this picture pushing his belly out. That leaf bag is so much bigger than him


Ashley Smith said...

Hey Heather! Hope you don't mind but I found your blog through Amy's. I can't believe how big Shawn is and he is absolutely adorable!

Amy F. said...

Shawn is such a cutie, and such a big helper too! :) It's cute how hard they try to help. We can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!!!