Friday, November 6, 2009

Shawn's going to be a big brother #2 is on the way. I had my three month appointment today and we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Everything is going well and looking good. I am due in the middle of May. I am starting to feel better so hopefully the "morning' sickness phase will be done soon. We are really excited and can't wait for the new little baby to join the family.


Diane Owen said...

HOORAY!!!! I'm so excited for you. Glad things are going well and you are feeling better. Welcome to the preggo club. :)

Ashley Smith said...

Congratulations! May's a good time to have a baby. Hopefully you are over the morning sickness! Good luck!

Andrea said...

Congrats!! That is wonderful! You guys make cute kids =o)

As a reminder- I am an old friend of Jon's- not just some random weirdo reading your blog =o) (Not that I would deny the weirdo part.)

Amy F. said...

Yeah, we're so excited!

Melinda said...


I'm sorry but the middle of May sounds soo far away- but I'm sure it'll just fly by! I'm so excited for you!