Thursday, November 13, 2008

Surprise visitors

My cousin Jenae called me two Fridays ago and said that she and her mom were coming down the next day to visit for a few days. I was so excited. We spent most of the weekend having quality Jenae/Heather time which we haven't had enough of in the last few years. It reminded me of the good old BYU days when we were roommates. It was a lot of fun getting to know her cute little baby girl whom I haven't seen since she was a week old. It was a great visit and I am really glad they got a chance to come up and spend some time with us.

Jon met Jenae and I for lunch at Cheesecake Factory

Shawn just chillin' with his great-great grandma Call

Shawn trying to figure out how he feels about this little girl being around so much
"Mom do I really have to sit this close to her?"

"This is so embarrassing"


Melinda said...

Yay!! I've been meaning to ask you your blog address, I forgot it and couldn't find it!
I can't believe how big Shaun is!!! He's so handsome!

I miss you!

Laura Robins said...

Yeah for Jenae coming to visit! What cute kids the two of you have. Happy birthday yesterday! I can't wait to see you next month!