I was running errands this morning and Shawn was in a terrible mood. He was screaming and freaking out and didn't want to be in his car seat. I finally gave him the only thing I had to make him happy, lipstick. He liked putting the lid on and taking it off.
I stopped to drop something off at a lady's house in our neighborhood and ended up talking to her at the door for about 5 minutes. When I got back to the car I found Shawn like this.
(see picture below)
When I first saw him I about had a heart attack because I thought it was blood. For a split second I tried to figure out what he cut himself with and how horrible I was to let him sit there bleeding while I was talking. I was very relieved when I got closer and saw it was lipstick.
When things like this happen Jon will say something like, "why did you give him lipstick?" All I have to say is that when you have a kid screaming and he won't calm down and you are trying to drive or do something, you end up giving him anything you can (that's safe) to make him happy. Well at least I do. :) 
Shawn wouldn't let me take a good picture of him, but you get the idea. It was all over his face and tons in his hair. Hey, at least he didn't put any on his clothes.
That's hillarious! Kids never let things get boring. Of course he didn't put any on his clothes, he's obviously watched his mom, and knew lipstick goes on your face. (and hair apparently :) )
Wow! I totally know what you mean about giving them anything to play with that will take their mind off the tantrum. I also agree that my husband would say the same thing and I would have the same response.
I was laughing so hard at the picture, because I know exactly how you feel! Sometimes I will give them something knowing things are gonna get messy, but its worth it...at least for the moment! I think only a mom could understand!
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